Ulrich, Brockbank, Younger, Ulrich: HR from the Outside In: Six Competencies for the Future of Human Resources (book, McGraw-Hill, 2012)

Ulrich, Brockbank, Younger, Ulrich: HR from the Outside In: Six Competencies for the Future of Human Resources

One of the most influential personalities in the field of HR - author of the concept of HR business partnership, consultant and professor at the University of Michigan Dave Ulrich - has just released a new book. The book entitled HR from the Outside In: Six Competencies for the Future of Human Resources provides answers three key questions of HR professionals and departments:

  1. What should HR professionals be, know and do to be perceived as personally effective?

  2. What should HR professionals be, know and do to improve their companies' business results?

  3. What should HR departments focus on to improve their companies' business performance?

The book HR from the Outside In bears its title because HR should learn to look on itself from the outside. Traditional strategic HR sees the strategy as a mirror that reflects what HR should focus on. Today, it is necessary for the strategy to be a window through which we look at the world around. The focus of HR changes from inside the company (employer of choice) to the outside world of the company (employer of choice of employees customers would have chosen).

David Ulrich has already written 23 books and more than two hundred articles. The "HR from the Outside In" book is also available in Czech translation.


ULRICH, D. et col.: HR from the Outside In: Six Competencies for the Future of Human Resources, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012. 272 p.

ULRICH, D et col.: Nová éra řízení lidských zdrojů – ze servisu partnerem. Šest kompetencí pro HR budoucnosti. Prague: Grada, 2014. 304 p.


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