Pepper de Callier v HRtv: Co přináší leadership 21. století?

Pepper de Callier at HRtv: What does the leadership of the 21st century bring us?

O změnách, trendech, výzvách leadershipu v 21. století, ale také o důležitosti neformální komunikace v týmu s Pepper de Callierem. Nechte se inspirovat rozhovorem se světově uznávaným koučem TOP managementu a zakladatelem Prague Leadership Institute

Rozhovor vznikl na konferenci Světová HR Laboratoř 2014, která se konala dne 27. listopadu 2014 v Praze.

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Pepper de Callier at HRtv: What does the leadership of the 21st century bring us?

The changes, trends, challenges of leadership in the 21st century, but also the importance of informal communication in a team with Pepper de Callier. Be inspired by an interview with the world-renowned coach of top management and the founder of Prague Leadership Institute.

Pepper de Callier talked to Barbora Nykodymova, editor of and, during the Global HR Laboratory conference in Prague on 27th November 2014.

The interview is available here:

Prepared in co-operation with

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