Stránka s nabídkou volných míst by neměla obsahovat žádné výrazy či zkratky, které sice používáte interně, ale ostatní lidé jim nerozumějí. Požádejte někoho, kdo pro vás nepracuje, aby si vaše stránky přečetl a upozornil vás na výrazy, kterým nerozumí.
5. Prodejte důvody, proč pracovat právě pro vás
Vytvořte stránku nebo sekci, kterou nazvete „Proč pro nás pracovat“. Využijte tento prostor k propagaci vašich skvělých zaměstnanců, příjemného pracovního prostředí, nadstandardních odměn, možností odborného a kariérního růstu atd. Nemáte důvod tajit, co nabízíte svým zaměstnancům.
6. Investujte do profesionálního zpracování stránek
Nešetřete na designu. Najděte si profesionála, který vám poradí s výběrem vhodné platformy a navrhne profesionální vzhled vašich stránek.
7. Kontrolujte aktuálnost informací
Zajistěte, aby za aktualizaci vaší stránky s nabídkou volných pozic odpovídala konkrétní osoba. Ta by měla kontrolovat obsah minimálně jednou měsíčně, aby nedocházelo k tomu, že budete nabízet již obsazené pozice.
8. Kontrolujte pravopis a gramatiku
Pokud mezi vašimi zaměstnanci není jazykově nadaný jedinec, který by kontroloval, co zveřejňujete, najděte si korektora na internetu. Překlepy a hrubky vás rozhodně dobře propagovat nebudou.
The Internet is evolving rapidly. Therefore, when your career website is older than five years, job seekers could see it as if it originated in prehistoric times. The look of the site is, however, not the only thing that matters. Even the content of career sites is quickly shifting from being focused on the promotion of company products to being focused on people. Career sites should be designed to attract the best talent. According to, it requires the eight following steps:
1. Show your company's successes
The awards your company has achieved as an employer should be clearly mentioned on the home page of your career site. If you, for example, were an Employer of the Year, show it off.
2. Don't hide contacts
A link to your contact information should be clearly visible on every page of your career site. Applicants should also find the possibility to submit their CVs here.
3. Add photos of smiling employees
Hire a professional to take photos of your people at work and at various corporate events. Photos of real people working in your company will make you more human in the eyes of job seekers. Moreover, most of your employees will be glad to represent you on the website.
4. Speak clearly
Your career site should not contain any expressions or abbreviations that you use internally but other people don't understand them. Ask someone who does not work for you to read your site and alert you to the words he does not understand.
5. Sell the reasons to work for you
Create a "Why to work for us" page or section. Use this space to promote your great staff, pleasant working environment, excellent compensation, training opportunities and career growth, etc. You have no reason to hide what you are offering to your employees.
6. Invest in professional web
Don't save money on the design. Find a professional who can advise you on the appropriate platform and propose a professional look of your site.
7. Check whether the information on your career site is up-to-date
Ensure that a specific person is responsible for updating your career site. The person should review its content at least once a month for you not to offer positions that are already occupied.
8. Check your spelling and grammar
If there is no linguistically gifted individual to control what you put online among your employees, find a proofreader on the Internet. Typos and grammatical errors will definitely not promote you in a good light.