Další věc, která zatěžuje nové manažery, je to, že jsou nadále odpovědní za práci, kterou dělali předtím. Často se stává, že manažer stráví nemanažerskou prací až 85 % pracovní doby. Když vidíme celý problém z této perspektivy, není divu, že mnoho nových manažerů ve své funkci selže.
Nové požadavky žádají nové schopnosti... a nový trénink
Manažer musí být schopen přetlumočit a vysvětlit vize top managementu svým podřízeným. Musí se stát schopným motivátorem, posluchačem a jít příkladem. Tato velká změna v požadavcích, které jsou na něj s novou pozicí kladeny, si žádá důkladné školení. Je důležité, aby nový manažer získal dobrou představu o tom, co se od něj vlastně očekává a jak toho může dosáhnout.
Svému novému manažerovi by firma měla poskytnout dlouhodobý trénink. Jednodenní nebo jednotýdenní školení zkrátka nestačí.
When a new manager is promoted into a position, he can encounter huge problems. It is essential that the new manager is well prepared for the new position. If not he must receive proper training and coaching. The problem with new managers who don‘t succeed is a serious issue, addressed by the management-issues.com website.
One indicator of the problem is many team transfer requests, or even worse some who quite the team. This may be an indicator of the inexperience of the new manager to the responsibilities of a supervisory position. There is a common misbelief that top performers among front line employees can be promoted to managerial or supervisory positions and automatically succeed. This is not the case.
Statistics of newly appointed managers are bleak
Without enough training, as many as 75 % of workers promoted to manager positions fail to meet their requirements. According to a research carried out by the Emerge Leadership Group, it plummeted to as few as 16 percent of people promoted to successfully establishing themselves as managers. Another problem that many new managers and supervisors face is that they are still responsible for production work. With no exception, 85 % of a manager’s time is consumed by this kind of work, as further discovered by the ELG. With this in mind, it is no wonder many newly appointed managers fail.
Different demands ask for different drill
A manager needs to be able to translate the visions of the company’s top managers to his subordinates. He has to become a capable motivator, listener, planner and role model. These profound changes are not easy without appropriate support and training. It is crucial that the new manager understands how to do well in a position he is not used to.
You should definitely provide continual training for your new manager. A one-day class, or even one week of lectures, do not tend to be enough.