1) Talk to your customers and employees and think about them, too
It can be a great source of inspiration, especially if you are a writer. Whatever your business is, it is always a boost for your enthusiasm when you are rewarded and hear some positive feedback on your efforts. You can get suggestions about what you could do better and what possible paths for future growth could be the most valued. When you want to send out a message, think about the people that will receive your presentation or speech.
2) Read about the ideas of experts in your field
Who are the colleagues and experts that have brilliant insights? Read their articles when your energy hits a low, it can refresh your mind and provide you with inspiration. Sometimes you may come across ideas similar to your own. These experiences of feeling a connection between you and other professionals are highly motivating. It assures you that you are on the right track.
3) Go for a walk
Do you have a dog? Great. You don't? Never mind, it is always a good idea to go for a walk when you feel down. You don’t really need a pet to accompany you. When you are walking, you can reflect on your life. You will probably recall conversations you have had, people you have meet and articles you have read. What resonates with you? The best ideas are sometimes to be found when you are out of the office.
Article source OPEN Forum - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs