Try to look objectively at how much time you spend thinking about what you should do instead of actually doing it. There is no ideal time to start. You will never have all the information and face no risk of doing something wrong. You just have to start. Concentrate on the present.
Faced with a large and difficult task, you tend to delay it as much as possible. Instead, you focus on simple and less important tasks or you are looking for all sorts of meaningless activities just to avoid having to start on the difficult task. The only result of this attitude is growing levels of stress and guilt. Therefore, you should stick to the rule of doing the hardest tasks in the morning. Maintain a positive attitude and keep in mind that the sooner you finish an unpleasant task, the better you will feel.
You have not created any daily working rituals and you don't know how to define priorities. As a result, you process tasks as you come across them. In this case, we recommend reading Indisputable rules of time management and then other tips from our Time Management section.