Russians plan to hand the Bushehr power plant over to Iranians

From the end of this year, Iranian engineers will control the Bushehr nuclear power plant. Russian support will remain in place for three further years. The new pressurized water reactor reached full power several days ago. According to Rosatom, the parent company of AtomStroyExport (ASE) that built the plant, reactor will be handed over to the customer at the end of December. However, the training of Iranian staff is not yet sufficient.

The Bushehr plant is of a unique design. Russians have managed to integrate Russian technology into equipment built by the Germans. The designers had to develop and implement a number of original ideas and technical know-how in order to adapt the Russian technology to the existing facilities at the site.

The power plant operates under supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Russia provides nuclear fuel for the reactor. Spent fuel will return to Russia.


Article source World Nuclear Association (WNA) - international organization promoting nuclear energy
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