European Parliament votes yes to 2030 renewable energy target

The European Parliament has called for the "successful" 2020 renewable energy target to be prolonged to 2030. „The Parliament has once again recognised what a strong renewables industry, driven by ambitious targets, can do for Europe's economy, jobs, energy security and the climate,” commented Stephane Bourgeois, Head of Regulatory Affairs at the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA). The European Commission must heed the Parliament's support for a target when it publishes its 2030 energy policy in the next few weeks. The MEPs also condemned the retroactive changes to renewable energy support mechanisms taking place in several EU Member States as detrimental to investor confidence. EWEA has spoken out regularly against such changes, because the resulting political uncertainty needlessly increases the sector's cost of capital.


Article source Refocus - website of the Amercican magazine Renewable Energy Focus
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