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Your query "%C5%BDeny ve veden%C3%AD firem" has returned 25 articles.

The first country to outlaw paying men higher salaries


From January 1, 2018, a law has come into effect in Iceland requiring all companies and government agencies that employ 25 or more full-time workers to prove that men and women are paid the same…

First multinational technology company to receive global gender equality certification


SAP SE is the first multinational technology company to be awarded the worldwide Economic Dividends for Gender Equality (EDGE) certificate, recognizing its global commitments and actions in achieving…

Diversity at the BBC: blind CVs are just the beginning


New employees of the British public TV and radio broadcaster BBC can expect to be asked whether they were entitled to free school meals because of their social situation or whether their parents…

A man in favour of quotas for women on boards


The idea of introducing mandatory quotas for female representation on corporate boards raises fierce debate and heightens emotions in both sexes. A great example is the recent discussion in the…

Study: No discrimination against women applying for a job in the Czech Republic


Are women who are expected to take maternity leave soon or are limited at work due to parenthood less likely to be invited for job interviews? The answer to this question seems simple - yes, they are.…

Vodafone launches global maternity policy


The British telecommunication group Vodafone is introducing a global maternity policy to support new parents among its staff. By the end of the year, the policy will be implemented in all the 30…

Study: Women in the EU earn 16% less than men


The gender pay gap in the European Union amounts to an average of 16.4% to the disadvantage of women. The lowest gap is in Slovenia (3.2%), followed by Malta (5.1%), Poland (6.4%), Italy (7.3%),…

Study: Female representation in management growing slowly


A new study by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) confirmed the link between the number of women in management and better business results. The organization calls for a stronger…

Germany close to approving the law on quotas for women on boards


The German government coalition has completed its bill which introduces mandatory quotas for representation by women on the supervisory boards of publicly traded companies. The bill mandates that 30%…

Study: Women on boards in 25 countries


When we look at the issue of increasing the number of women on the boards of companies, it is still very apparent that most of the initiatives come from governments and regulators. Members of the…

Germany wants boardroom quotas for women since 2016


The German government announced they will focus on a new legislation on the introduction of quotas for women on supervisory boards of publicly traded companies to come into force in Germany since…

UK: Quotas for women on boards of financial companies are to come


London's City regulators have decided to promote the introduction of mandatory quotas of female representation on corporate boards, as reported on the British People Management server. Large companies…

Germany refused quotas for women on boards (for now)


By 320 votes to 277, the German parliament rejected a proposal to introduce mandatory quotas for women's representation on boards of companies. The proposal allowed for the introduction of mandatory…

EU: Mandatory quotas for women on company boards postponed


On Tuesday 23 October, Viviane Reding, European Commissioner for Justice, submitted her proposal for the introduction of compulsory quotas for women's representation on boards of listed companies…

Britain introduces mandatory gender audits


The British Department for Business announced that publicly listed companies will have to carry out mandatory gender audits and disclose how many men and women they employ since October 2013. The…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 25