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Your query "Kou%25C4%258Dink%252C mentoring" has returned 73 articles.

Positive motivation in leadership based on neuroscience, 19th May 2023


Is it possible to motivate people without using more money? How to create a 'want to stay' workplace by using knowledge coming from brain science? Let's join a select group of HR strategists from SMEs…

Rational decision


Brussels Bobcat headquarters February 2007: Telephone call from Marek, the Russian manager “Laurent, I need a training in a month for the Russian dealers”. I have just joined Bobcat a week earlier…

Seven simple ways for a coach to start blogging


Don't be afraid to share your know-how. Today's world is so overwhelmed by experts on various topics that it is not easy to be different. Don't expect clients to find you on their own. Offer them a…

Three myths about executive coaching


Coaching as a tool for professional development has been on the rise for the last three decades. It can significantly help build self-awareness, leadership skills and interpersonal skills in high-…

Coaching helps overcome uncertainty


During the current crisis, you yourself might be able quickly to start taking action, but it is easy to forget that your staff may be experiencing great uncertainty about their future. Help them…

Breaking the ice: five games that help people become acquainted


Meetings, training sessions or special events are usually more effective if the people who take part in them know one another well. So if the participants are not very familiar with one another, it is…

Three main rules when coaching managers


Being a coach of managers and people in supervisor positions requires a different approach from coaching ordinary employees. But the reward for adopting the right attitude to the top people in a given…

Six things mentors should avoid


When properly managed, mentoring brings benefits to both parties involved. Sometimes, though, for all the mentor’s good intentions, things may go awry. If you yourself are a mentor, bear in mind the…

Executive coaching: when is it only a waste of money?


Having a coach is no longer a source of shame for senior managers, but rather something which is both common and beneficial. This is evidenced not only by the rapidly growing number of executive…

Who can't be coached?


Even the best coach in the world can't coach people who are uncoachable. It would be a waste of time on both sides. But how can you tell whether someone really can't be coached?

Study: Executive coaching in the next 5 years


Will coaching of top managers be applied more frequently in 2022 than today? And in what form? Will coaches be required to obtain a mandatory certification? Will the relatively high rates of executive…

Coaching and mentoring: Top 10 basic facts


Coaching and mentoring are terms that are often confused. Both these types of employee development tools can deliver great results to companies, but they have rules that need to be understood and…

How to measure the benefits of coaching for employees and businesses


International Coaching Federation (ICF) studies show that most organisations regard coaching as effective but can't provide clear evidence to prove it. Top managers want to see the basic metric -…

LinkedIn launches career advice on a large scale


The LinkedIn social network doesn't want to be just a place where people connect with their business contacts or look for jobs. It's striving to be the place where users find beneficial content and…

Daniel Ofman on HR tv: Core Quadrant - a universal personal development tool

Audio  30.11.2017 

Daniel Ofman is a Dutch consultant, management coach and author the of Core Quadrant - a methodology for personal development. In 1984, he established an internationally successful consulting firm…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 73