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Your query "Soci%25C3%25A1ln%25C3%25AD s%25C3%25ADt%25C4%259B" has returned 149 articles.

Four trends in employer branding brought by 2020


At the beginning of the year, the phrase "employer branding" tended to evoke ideas of elegant offices and enviable benefits. As the end of 2020 approaches, the concept has been completely reversed,…

Cheap and easy employer branding


Building an employer's brand is certainly not pointless. Whether you're actively doing something in this field or not, you have a reputation. Moreover, contributing to the development of your company'…

LinkedIn: 2018 Workplace T&D trends


Many skills are rapidly becoming obsolete today, and many are no longer needed due to new technologies. At the same time, however, new skill gaps are occurring. Since the economy is in a good…

What's preventing you from using employer branding?


Companies that are able build a reputation as places where people want to work have a strong employer brand. They are well aware of the fact that employee satisfaction is a key prerequisite for their…

New LinkedIn feature for recruiters: Sharing your calendar with candidates


Arranging the right time for the first meeting with potential job candidates is one of the most challenging tasks for recruiters. At the very least, it is time consuming because not every candidate is…

LinkedIn: The most common clichés in online CVs in 2017


The number of users of the professional social network LinkedIn surpassed 500 million in 2017. They represent more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. The number of users from the Czech…

E-learning in 2018 (2/2): Social networks and virtual reality


The main trends in corporate e-learning that we can expect in 2018 include wider use of mobile devices, further development of so-called microlearning, and gamification. Employees will learn more…

E-learning in 2018 (1/2): Microlearning and gamification


The corporate e-learning market has been growing very quickly. Thanks to the rapid development of technology and innovation, e-learning has gained a solid place alongside traditional classroom…

Can your recruitment manage your business growth?


At the beginning of the year, companies usually launch plans to achieve further growth. Any growth strategy should include recruitment as an important part. If a business grows quickly and recruitment…

4 steps towards stronger internal communication


Internal communication helps companies succeed. However, it must bring clear and interesting messages that will encourage employee motivation and engagement in order to boost their productivity. It…

Corporate parties: How to prevent hangovers and lawsuits


The season of Christmas parties is in full swing, but fun has its limits. Employers shouldn't forget about their reputation and legal responsibility, even if celebrations are held outside the…

LinkedIn launches career advice on a large scale


The LinkedIn social network doesn't want to be just a place where people connect with their business contacts or look for jobs. It's striving to be the place where users find beneficial content and…

Microsoft Outlook has started showing LinkedIn profiles


In the middle of last year, Microsoft bought the LinkedIn professional social network for $26 billion. Since then, there have been debates about whether the company would be able to make the most of…

LinkedIn to launch detailed reports (not only) for recruiters


The success of strategic recruitment and HR planning today is a matter of quality software solutions able to analyse large amounts of data in order to identify the greatest talent in individual…

Skype woke up and enters the world of video interviews


Many applications for video calls have been created in the last few years. However, Skype, which is the global synonym for online calling, hasn't been focused on video interviews yet. Did Skype fall…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 149