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Your query "TED talks" has returned 28 articles.

Grab an audience's attention within the first 10 seconds


You only have ten seconds to win an audience's attention. How do you achieve this? Here are some proven ways to start a speech.

Overcoming a fear of public speaking


When you have to speak in public, nerves play their role. Fortunately, there are some techniques you can use to help reduce your anxiety.

Human intuition and artificial intelligence


Twenty years ago, then world chess champion Garry Kasparov lost a match to Deep Blue, a supercomputer designed by IBM. This result caused a sensation at the time since Kasparov had been world champion…

Will artificial intelligence destroy mankind?


In 1968, Stanley Kubrick shot the cult film 2001: Space Odyssey based on a story by Arthur C. Clarke. It brings a vision of the future based on a story of an expedition sent to Jupiter in order to…

How can we still have jobs?


Development of technologies and machines is advancing ever more rapidly, while in this same context an increasing number of voices are talking about jobs disappearing. So how is it possible that the…

Time is a question of your choices


Working women with children often feel so busy that they have no time left for other activities except for work and children, and working men feel the same. Our ideas about the amount of free time we…

The wittiest TED talks of all time


Summer is in full swing and you want to use your free time to relax. Doing nothing, however, is not your style. If you would like some fun as well as learning something new, finding interesting…

Adam Grant publishes new book on surprising thinking of successful people


Adam Grant is the youngest professor at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania where he focuses on organizational and managerial psychology. He regularly publishes articles in respected…

10 practical tips for introverted speakers


The fact that you are introverted does not mean you can't have a successful career or be a successful public speaker. Take a look at Susan Cain, also known as the "Quiet Revolutionary". This woman, a…

Learn to speak like TED talks speakers


Technology, Entertainment, Design, also known as TED, is the name of a non-profit organization with the goal of spreading interesting ideas via short presentations called TED talks. The first TED…

Innovation is a matter of collective genius


If we want to build constantly innovating organisations, we need to rid ourselves of certain common ideas about leadership. Leading innovation is not about coming up with a vision and inspiring others…

Mobile devices harm both body and mind


It is widely known that the human mind can change the human body. However, at the same time, our body language affects not only how others see us, but also how we see ourselves. That is the opinion of…

Great speakers fall from the sky and other myths about public speaking


If you are not a natural talent, you will never become a good speaker. If you are an introvert, you had better never speak publicly. Good speakers are never nervous, have their speech perfectly…

Simon Sinek: Leaders eat last


Why do leaders eat last? This question is the central theme of a new book by Simon Sinek called Leaders Eat Last. He is a popular expert on leadership, whose first book Start With Why became a…

Get rid of your fear of mistakes and failures


The fear of making a mistake is a mistake in itself. It's an unnecessary fear which reduces our productivity, prevents us from realizing our dreams, and may even cause business failures. We can never…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 28