Ben Greeven, Thalento: Owners of personal careers are moving up

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Ben Greeven is the CEO of Belgian company Thalento®, which he founded six years ago. The company is developing and provides online solutions for diagnostics, assessment and talent management around the world. The Thalento® strategic partner in Bohemia and Slovakia is the Image Lab consulting company, which ensures Czech localisation, as well as providing customer support and consulting services.

William Tincup's ranking even lists Thalento® among a hundred companies that will be worth following in 2017.

A year ago, Greeven inspired and co-founded an innovative cluster of HR technology organisations called the HR Tech Valley. Their aim is to develop technologies that enable HR managers to devote less energy to processes and focus more on people.

Take a look at the video of his lecture "Owners of Personal Careers", which was delivered on the occasion of the 20th annual conference HR Know How: Fairness, a Way to Prosperity, organised by the People Management Forum on 24 May 2017 in Prague.

Greeven's contribution in Prague was arranged via Image Lab in their role as a general partner of the PMF conference and Thalento® Online Diagnostic Provider in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic.

Download audio track of the video in mp3.

Články v sérii


Ben Greeven, Thalento: Owners of personal careers are moving up


Ben Greeven in HR TV: HR technology makes us the owners of our personal career