3 steps from technical expertise to leadership

Moving from a position of technical specialist to a leader position is more complex than expanding technical knowledge. It requires transformation of technical capabilities into business success. Specifically, it is necessary to make changes in three basic areas.

1. Building a base of trust

It is necessary to build on technical expertise. It is, however, not enough to talk about how much you know. You should prove it by successful performance in practice. Then it will not be just about professionalism but also about providing values others by showing that you know what you are talking about and delivering results. It will help you manage relationships with others and gain credibility. Relationship management is all about who your people are and what is important to them. It means to know how to ask important questions, listen and be able to convince at both logical and emotional level.

2. Managing the work of others

Any leader achieves success through the work of his people. It means linking roles, responsibilities and skills with corporate strategy and structure. He should teach his people the flexibility in how not to forget about their goals, be able to define the critical people and form a team.

3. Strategic thinking and action

Successful transition into a leadership position requires the ability to see beyond just the everyday activities. Strategic thinking is based on a vision - the ability to look to the future not only through functional and organizational perspective. It is not just about who and what, but also about another dimension, which is why.


Article source American Management Association - AMA official website
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