Arrange your office in the style of Feng Shui

Whether you have your own office or share your work environment with other colleagues, it is a space where you should be able to create new ideas and achieve the best possible performance. If you devote more time to managing stress, it is wrong. Feng Shui, a traditional Chinese philosophy seeking to establish harmony in space can help you. It helps to organize spaces to allow the natural flow of energy. Practical tips for using Feng Shui in offices were summarized by

Start by removing all the clutter. Everything in your office should have its place. Too many things on working desks prevent the flow of energy. Do not accumulate unfinished things. Always stay focused on one thing and finish it.

Desks should be placed diagonally or directly opposite the door. You should never sit back to the door. You should, on contrary, have a solid wall behind you. Sitting behind the window is not desirable either, it should be next to or diagonally from you. Do not place mirrors in offices.

Ensure quality supply of air and light. Besides ceiling lights, each table should have a lamp on it. Place plants in corners of the room. Add colors that will boost the flow of energy - red, orange, purple, pink or yellow to the southern corner of the room.

Use of all five elements of Feng Shui to reach harmony. Wood enhances creativity and should be located in the eastern corner of the room. Fire in the form of lamps or candles fosters creativity and should be located in the southern corner. Earth elements such as ceramics represent stability and belong to the center of the room. Metallic elements that symbolize financial success should be located in the western corner. Water that helps with communication and learning belongs to the north.


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