10 reasons why best talents leave large companies

Why are large companies not able to keep the best talent even if they have more resources than their smaller competitors? Ten answers to this question were published on forbes.com.

  1. Bureaucracy - there are rules in the companies that do not make sense to the most talented employees but they can not change them.

  2. Inability to give best talents projects that will stimulate their personal enthusiasm.

  3. Unfinished performance evaluations that do not answer the question why the best talents should stay with the company in the long term.

  4. Lack of discussion about the possibilities of career development with direct superiors.

  5. Inability to understand talent management as a strategic project.

  6. Reluctance to give talented employees their own responsibilities and, on the contrary, tendency to dictate them what to do.

  7. Keeping the best talents in isolation without being surrounded by other talents.

  8. Lack of vision - confusion about what talented employees should achieve.

  9. Lack of openness to sharing ideas and implementing new ideas brought by talents.

  10. Allocation of bad bosses to develop talents.


Article source Forbes.com - prestigious American business magazine and website
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