How to build a talent management process

Essential prerequisite for successful talent management is having a process before you buy software that should accelerate it. You should focus on rewarding talents, succession planning and leadership development but especially identify where the future talent comes from.

When building a talent management process the followig tips, published on and summarized by an American provider of automation solutions for talent management TalentQuest, can help you.

  • If you lack experience and expertise to create the whole process internally, find an experienced partner.

  • Create the talent management system accordign to the process, not vice versa. Solid vendors allow for modifications of their solutions.

  • Gain support from senior management.

  • Invove line managers who will put your strategy into practice.

  • Compile a summary of initial skills to help you identify talents and develop others.

  • Strengthen retention using the performance management rather than performance assessments driven by superiors.

  • Develop future leaders who will ensure your future needs after the retirement of the strong Baby Boomer generation of employees.


Article source - Solutions for Employment, Safety, and Environmental Compliance
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