What specialists should be promoted to managerial roles?


The career development of technical specialists is still a current HR issue. Practice has clearly shown that promoting specialists into management roles cannot be automatic. Technically proficient workers often do not feel well in managerial roles, but they also do not want to lose the higher compensation and benefits. Firms are therefore losing technical talent and ultimately also the technical managers who cannot last long in the new roles.

How to choose the technical staff to be promoted? Talentmgt.com suggeststhat they should meet the following criteria:

Contribution to the development of company products and services 

Evaluate how important their work is for creating competitive advantage through your products, services and strategies.

Successful team management

Focus on their experience with leading key team activities in their area of ​​technical knowledge.


Check their reputation in professional circles both inside and outside the company.

Conferences and professional publications

Inquire whether the particular professional community recognizes your potential candidates for promotion to the extent that it invites them to speak at conferences and requests their contributions to professional journals.

Mentoring subordinates

Candidate for promotion to a managerial role should help their subordinates to be equally successful.


Article source Talent Management - U.S. magazine and website for talent management and HR professionals
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