Corporate education: The latest may not be the best


New and new trends are emerging in the area of ​corporate education. Currently it is, for example, the use of social media, mobile technology, games or higher interactivity. Not every trend is, however, the right one for your organization. It makes no sense to implement the latest technology when employees do not accept it or it cannot bring the expected results.

At a time when budgets for employee training are falling, we need to maintain a pragmatic approach. Before you decide on one of the latest trends, follow the next four steps published on

1. Answer three fundamental questions

Who is the planned educational program designed for? How well is it linked to current business needs? What do end-users think about it?

2. Note the difference between public and corporate training

For each type of education, it is necessary to know how it works universally and how it works in business environment. Every company must focus its training on its specific educational needs.

3. Start in a small

The initial enthusiasm use to be big but it is also often followed by big disappointments. New educational activities should, therefore, first run in small pilot groups while measuring results.

4. Remember the basics

It would be a big mistake to replace the working, time-tested basics by the latest trends just because they are currently in. The purpose of education is to develop people as it is natural for them.


Article source Chief Learning Officer - a U.S. magazine and website focused on L&D
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