Trainer as an educational institution's capital

"How many snakes have you put to sleep?" Have you ever wanted to ask your trainer this question? Or, have you - as an educator - ever tried to step in your clinets' shoes and look for a course?

Jaroslava Výborná, S-COMP Centre CZ s.r.o.

At the beginning, in this case, probably will not be a "word" but your need. The need to learn something new or broaden your existing knowledge. So the search process is simple. First, looking for a course based on content, then grub for the price. Finally you find a suitable course content and reasonable prices. Glory! You can order. So you order. Then, you receive thanks and details to the course by the chosen educational company. But...

Mrs. Best Trainer will train you. Although her name means nothing to you, you hope that she will be good. And you go to the course, to the unknown. Although you invested quite a lot of time in chosing the course, you still go into the unknown and, most importantly, you do not know what course will actually be like.

Success of a course is always guaranteed by the trainer.