How do you keep the best talent

The best performing employees usually leave their employers because of three basic reasons. They lack 1) inspiration by interesting work, 2) involvement through a network of collaborators and 3) a clear career path with opportunities for personal and professional development. How to keep the best people?


Employees tend to do their best when they know the objectives of their work and understand how they fit into the overall objectives of the company. They also need the necessary resources to achieve these aims and are should be appropriately rewarded for their achievements. All this, along with interesting and inspiring projects prevents them from thinking about leaving. The root causes of lossing productivity and, consequently, also the interest to work in the company include poor communication of the strategy and objectives and inadequate remuneration.


Corporate culture of strong performance stands also on tools that allow employees to connect with other people, ideas and information. Crucial role in keeping employees is therefore played by modern methods of communication that facilitate collaboration - social networks, videoconferences or gamification (use of game elements).


In today's fast workplaces, many traditional talent management practices have become obsolete. The annual setting of personal goals or annual performance evaluations are typical examples. Organizations must lead their people to continually collect feedback on the performance and offer a wide range of formal and informal development activities that will work in real time.


Article source Talent Management - U.S. magazine and website for talent management and HR professionals
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