5 myths about working from home for mothers


Can mothers really develop their careers and have more time for their children as well thanks to working from home? Workingmother.com thinks its possible Yes. They must, however, beware of some traditional myths surrounding the work from home. What myths?

1. The only work you can do from home is customer service or programming

Nowadays, you can perform almost any office work at any level of management at home - from the CEO to the microbiologist.

2.  At home, you will not be as productive as in the office

Studies confirm that, conversely, domestic workers are more productive because they do not face interruptions from colleagues and other events in the office.

3. It will be impossible to make yourself work at home

This may be true, but it's up to you how you can handle this challenge. Working from home is not suitable for anyone because it requires a high degree of discipline. You should be able to plan your time and adhere to working hours and at home.

4. You will not need childcare

Mothers working from home should not think that they will save on childcare. When you take your career seriously, you will need childcare just as if you went to the office. Both work and children deserve your full attention.

5. Superiors and colleagues will forget about you

Even this may be true but, again, it's up to you. Maintain communication with the office and arrange regular personal meetings with your boss to talk about your performance and how to improve. Exchange emails and occasionally go to lunch together.


Article source Working Mother - a leading American digital hub for career-focused and entrepreneur moms
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