Study: Employee training investments of companies in the Czech republic during the economic crisis


Major companies operating in the Czech Republic invest in training their employees even in the times of economic crisis. Most of them focus on internal training in hard skills, while languages and e-learning are on decline. These are results of the second year of the project called Benchmarking initiated by GE Money Bank CZ and carried out by top vision, aCzech educational company.

The project involved 36 most influential companies in the Czech republic of similar size and with an advanced system of education from the sectors of banking, insurance, energy, construction, manufacturing, ICT, pharmaceuticals and FMCG. Nine out of ten of these companies invested last year the same or greater amount of money in employee training than in 2010. Almost two thirds expect no decline in these investments in 2012.

Results of the Benchmarking Project 2011 (according to the press releases issued by GE Money Bank on April 10, 2012)

  • Four of the ten companies increased their training budgets in the last year compared to the year before. Less than half of these investments remained at the same level.

  • An increase in the average number of training days per person was reported: from 3.9 in 2010 to 4.5 in 2011.

  • Companies are very active in the creation of development programs for their employees. More than a third of the investigated companies offer 6 or more types of development programs. The participants spend an average of 7 days training in them. They are intended primarily for managers and specific groups of employees known as "talents" "high potentials" or "high performers".

  • The structure of investments in employee education has changed. Companies spend more on training hard skills, initial trainings but also soft skills. Cuts in corporate budgets affected language learning and e-learning.

  • 83% of companies prefer trainers from among their own employees for internal training. Internal trainers are dedicated primarily to product and specific internal training, initial training and hard skills.

  • Only a third, especially large companies, uses internal coaches. Only 5% of companies, however, use full-time internal coaches. Most corporate coaching involves management coaching and business processes coaching.


Article source GE Money Bank CZ - a full-service bank, member of General Electric
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