How to start successful career in corporate communication

If you want to start a career in the area of internal communication or look for a suitable candidate for the position of an internal communication specialist in your company, you will need certain skills.


Internal communication specialists must know more than the corporate slogan or some quotes from the current annual report. They must know what is happening in the company, what is the corporate culture about and what its people want. They must be able to talk about it, write about it and think strategically about it. They simply have to live it. The HR Communication website summed up what is essential in this field today.

Offer help

Do not expect that you will be hired without experience. Show your skills and offer help to the department you wish to enter. Write a story for your intranet or prepare materials for the project you are working on.

Enhance your technical knowledge and skills

Internal communication is no longer about notice boards and posters. It is necessayr to know technical innovations from the intranet and mobile applications to QR codes.

Watch what happens

Search for the latest information from the internal communication field. In addition to articles and websites with expert information, social networks will help you. Learn e.g. to use Twitter.

Improve your writing skills

Even the greatest enthusiasm and knowledge of industry and technology will not save you if you would not know how to write well. Internal communication must be clear, concise and motivational.


Article source HRreview - UK’s leading HR news resource
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