3 otázky pro strategičtější práci HR business partnerů


In recent years, HR transformation has helped to move HR business partners in companies from transactional work closer to strategic work. The so-called Centers of Excellence bringing together specialized experts have been founded and HR business partners are only a phone or e-mail away from them. Thus, the question arises why HR business partners still do not hold a full strategic role in  companies and why they are losing track of a wider context in the everyday work.

HR Development Blog came up with three questions on which HR business partners should build their strategic discussions with corporate leaders who they support.

1. What are your business priorities?

HR business partners should be aware of the leaders' current short and long term priorities, asking only once is not enough. Try to use every opportunity to discuss their priorities and timing of the priorities. Come to see them at the end of performance assessments, at the beginning of each quarter, in half-year...

2. What do your priorities involve from the people's point of view?

HR business partners should connect leaders' priorities with issues of talent development, retention, corporate culture, succession planning, etc. At the same time, however, they should ask leaders to express their own views and not to lose the chance to support them in thinking about talents. Answers to the questions of the people management part of each prioriy constitutes the agenda of HR business partners.

3. Why?

HR business partners should routinely ask why and expect this question and from others as well.


Article source Designs on Talent - HR Development Blog - award-winning Human Resources blog
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