Unilever bets on flexible working


"Agile Working"- that's the name of the concept of flexible workplace organization for office employees in the global FMCG manufacturer Unilever which allows them to work when and where they want provided they get their work done. The program was first implemented in key branches of the company in the UK, USA and Singapore. Colombia, Russia or Switzerland followed, the aim being to introduce this form of flexible work in all the global offices.

By giving employees the choice of time and place of work, Unilever tries to build a culture focused on results. At the same time it also fulfills its goal to expand while reducing costs and its environmental impact. The whole program is based on three pillars: workplace, technology and work practices.

Workplaces that used to be represented by individual offices and cubicles were completely replaced by new working zones. The zones were not created for individual people but for individual activities that people in the company perform during the day. In terms of technology to enable flexible working, the company invested in greater mobility (laptops, smartphones, shared applications, cloud computing) and better virtual collaboration (communication programs, video conferencing). The last pillar - work practices - was teh most demanding one. It required breaking the cultural barriers in the current perception of working.

It turned out that some leaders considered this kind of flexible work unprofessional and HR had to be able to convince them otherwise. In various parts of the world and different cultures people percieve the hierarchy of standards in the workplace and work practices differently. Therefore, it is necessary to communicate with employees, train them and discuss how to organize time. It is also necessary to train managers how to lead people who are no longer under their constant supervision.

Despite minor problems, however, the change has turned possitive for both the company's income and reputation, concludes the Agile Working program leader Chris Raia on the Talent Management website.


Article source Talent Management - U.S. magazine and website for talent management and HR professionals
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