Obstacles to corporate culture development


Corporate culture helps companies like Google or Facebook attract and retain the best talent in the market. Especially the young generation of talents is looking for a place where working is fun, gives them the opportunity to contribute to something meaningful and feel it as such. Do the people in your company feel it the same? If you are not quite sure, consider the following causes of an unhealthy corporate culture and possibilities to remove them as recommended by tlnt.com.

1. Violent enforcement of corporate culture

Culture cannot be forced from above, it must be grown at all levels of a company. The solution is to take culture as a goal whose achievement is essential for your company. You can start small - by gathering feedback from employees, finding out what motivates them and finding ways to get them to think about corporate culture.

2. Fixed remuneration

Regular across-the-board bonus increases result only in greater fluctuation of talents. The solution is to introduce a structure of bonuses that will be directly tied to individual performance and company success. Clearly specify to employees what is expected of them and how they will be evaluated for meeting and overcoming their goals.

3. Impersonal communication

Corporate culture based on communication via e-mail and online tools is too impersonal. The solution is to promote personal interactions and cooperation among employees. Personal meetings will give your company more life.

4. White walls and artificial light

If your work environment knows only white or beige walls and fluorescent lights, so that your employees feel like being in a solarium, it is time to change it. The solution is to add more colors, more creative working spaces, comfortable rest areas and if possible provide employees with an outdoor space to enjoy some fresh air and daylight.

5. Ignoring bad and negative employees

Bad and negative employees undermine corporate culture by discouraging the positive and talented ones. The solution is to actively prevent negative work attitudes and unethical behavior. Everyone should clearly know what is expected of him and what goals he should meet. If he is not capable to meet the goals in the long-term, he is not in the right position.

6. Fear of the best talent

Recruiters have an interesting saying: "A People hire A+ people, but B people hire C people". That means that only the truly talented and wise people can hire people better than themselves. If you do not do this, the solution is to start actively doing it.


Article source TLNT - a U.S. blog for human resource and talent management leaders
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