Ten rules of employee relations


Employee relations are crucial to a functioning work environment, staff morale and productivity. All this goes hand in hand with economic results of a company. Similiraly to public relations, employee relations are also primarily based on  communication. However, it is more the interpersonal side of communication. Employee relations are built within everyday interactions in teams and managers of the teams play the key role in fostering them.

The HR Communication website summed up what should managers be careful about when building relations with their employees.

  1. Do not favour anybody regarding career opportunities.

  2. When managing conflicts, do not stand on either side.

  3. Clearly specify you performance expectations to individual employees.

  4. Give employees space to express their opinions and suggestions.

  5. Explain employees corporate goals and the roles they play in the company-wide context.

  6. Do not react emotionally.

  7. Communicate regularly with your employees and get to know them closer.

  8. Observe the laws that govern treating with employees.

  9. Trust your employees and show them your confidence.

  10. Reward employees for good work and do not forget to thank personally.


Article source HR Communication - American website focused on HR and internal communication
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