Where to start with promoting diversity?


Integrating diversity into a corporate culture is a long and difficult process. Ont the part of the leaders who promote diversity, it requires a huge amount of communication with key stakeholders within their company. Terri Kruzan from the U.S. think tank American Institute for Managing Diversity described five steps to succeed with a corporate diversity strategy in an article on diversity executive.com.

1. Create a business case

If you want to implement a strategy for promoting diversity in your organization, you have to do it in a way that will be relevant to your business and values.

2. Educate senior management

Communicate with other leaders in your organization and the senior management sbout your corporate culture and explain how diversity can help you. You will hardly push your idea without the support of senior managers.

3. Involve the key players in implementing changes

When communicating with senior management, gradually include change management procedures in the field of corporate culture.

4. Work with HR

Do not try to promote diversity without involving HR. Rather integrate your processes to fit among the existing HR changeĀ initiatives in your company.

5. Build implementation team

Appoint a team that will personify the promotion of diversity in your organization. Choose operational people.


Article source Diversity Executive - a U.S. magazine and website focused on diversity
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