Is your mentor the right one?


Choosing the right mentor is a critical prerequisite for a functioning relationship between the mentor and his mentee. If you feel that your mentor leads you in a wrong direction or nowhere at all, take notice. Consider whether you find such a relationship beneficial with the help of the following questions. If you are an HR professional in charge of your company's mentoring program, share these questions with the participants to detect possible bad mentoring allocations as soon as possible.

Is the life of your mentor at least partially similar to the yours?

If you have only one mentor, he should resemble you at least in one thing.

Can your mentor listen to you before starting to give advice?

If your mentor tells his experience over and over without listening to you, he is not the right one.

Does your mentor make you his unpaid assistant?

If you receive direct instructions how to help your mentor do his work instead of listening and support, look for another mentor.

Does your mentor follow current trends in the industry?

If your mentor is a veteran in his field, he should know not only past but also current trends. Otherwise, you can really be lead in a wrong direction.

Is your mentor honest?

If your mentor does not know something, he should help you find someone else who will know.


Article source - a U.S. career and employment website
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