6 steps towards a corporate culture of cooperation


Currently, a lot of articles are written about the broad possibilities of using social media for building a corporate culture based on cooperation. However, social media are not enough to achieve this goal. Companies that are regularly on the top of the rankings of companies people would like to work for do not rely on quick one-off solutions. They develop their culture on a long-term basis and build it on common human values and personal contact.

The basics of building a corporate culture remain the same even in the time of social media - created by managers who are trying to gain the trust of their subordinates during the everyday work. Six tips on how to promote a corporate culture based on cooperation were published by the Talent Management webiste.

Clearly define corporate values

Having an idea is not enough. Write down eg. ten commandments of your company and add a call for action. You'll see how well it will look posted on the wall.

Celebrate even small victories

When you finish a project, go to a lunch together or choose a form of celebration you like the most. Then use social media to share your success with clients and the public.

Meet outside the company

Encourage the employees to meet after working hours. There is no reason why not to celebrate the end of the week together togehther during a Friday evening.

Do not be too formal

Do not force employees to obey rules you cannot explain for them to make a sense. An example might be a strict dress code in a call center whose employees never meet with customers face to face.

Think of the work-life balance

The fact that your people sit at work for eight hours a day cannot guarantee the desired performance results. Inquire more about their needs and search for balance togehter.

Get to know each other more personally

Encourage employees to communicate with each other and take a closer interest in their lives.


Article source Talent Management - U.S. magazine and website for talent management and HR professionals
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