How to develop leadership skills of executive directors


In the management of many companies there are mediocre CEOs whose leadership styles soon start to negatily influence the whole organization's performance and morale. Do you ask why these people stay in their positions so long? There are many possible answer. The CEO's layoff will for example shake stock markets. Then there are emotional relationships between the CEOs and board members preventing an objective assessment of the CEOs' performance or simply thre is no suitable successor. How, then, to move the CEO and the company to a next level? Focus on developing his leadership skills.

1. Based on changes in the corporate strategy and external environment, identify the CEO's competencies and future requirements.

2. Create a process of evaluation and providing feedback to the CEO. You can use interviews, research of direct reports, best practices from other executive directors, individual assessments, etc.

3. Discover the weak points in the CEO's leadership he may not even be aware of.

4. Ensure that the feedback is provided to the CEO by a credible internal source or an external coach.

5. Establish a development plan for addressing key weaknesses and developing the strengths of your CEO.

A successful CEO must be able to receive feedback, have the courage to make changes and try new behaviours. He should always be motivated to work on himself and develop as a leader.


Article source Talent Management - U.S. magazine and website for talent management and HR professionals
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