4 steps to a corporate leadership development program


Corporate leadership development program is one of the ways to develop high performance among high potential employees. However, it must be prepared to suit a specific industry, a specific company and its specific needs. How to start such a program? Inc.com advises:

1. Define the necessary skills

Leadership skills that you want to develop should be based on the needs of your organization. Therefore, proceed from the maturity of your business. Your leaders will need different skills in your entrepreneurial beginnings and other skills when the structure of your business has already been firmly anchored. Think about the different needs of individual business units, too.

2. Find gatekeepers

Do not expect that everyone will automatically greet your leadership development program with enthusiasm. To succeed, you will need to convince key people in the organization to inspire and motivate others. Finding these "gatekeepers" will not be easy, especially in a large company. However, it must be done before the entire program starts.

3. Invove more educational techniques

A leadership development program should connect illustrative examples with analytical instructions, interactive games and materials from practice. For teamwork, face to face communication is important. The program should also be supported by social media, distance learning and various interactive techniques.

4. Provide educational materials and keep participants in contact

Participants of the program should obtain a variety of materials - from different lists of principles over plans to manuals - that will help them bring new skills into practice. To achieve effect of the program on the entire organizational structure, allow the participants and graduates of the program to maintain contact via newsletters, videoconferences and social media.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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