Do not let your talents to burn out


Every company has its star employees who naturally strive to do their best and inspire even the other people around themselves to improve their performance. However, there is often the problem that employers overwhelm these employees and lead them to a burnout instead of supporting them to truly provide the best possible performance. That is why the Talent Management website came with a warning to managers on how to recognize the early signs of possible burnout of the best talents and maintain the right balance.

Warning signs of approaching burnout

  1. Your employees themselves tell you that they are overloaded. This is a clear signal that you do not take your best people seriously.

  2. Your best people cease to be interested in new challenges. They say they have enough of their work.

  3. The level of their behaviour and performance drops. Stress can also be evident on their physical appearance - they either significantly lose or gain weight.

How to properly manage the best talents

  1. If your best people cannot delegate, teach them. A strong delegation model will give them a greater sense of trust in the others.

  2. Establish a procedure to review the importance of the tasks on which executives will participate with their talents. The purpose is to really understand that not all tasks are equally important.

  3. Do not modify descriptions of individual jobs to best suit the individuals who perform the jobs. You will get rid not only of personal power silos, but also of the dependence on the unique skills of the best talents no one else in the company can provide.


Article source Talent Management - U.S. magazine and website for talent management and HR professionals
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