Tři pilíře reverzního mentoringu


Along with the fact that more and more representatives of the youngest generation enter companies and consequently more people stay regardless of their retirement age, the trend of reverse mentoring as an internal educational tool strengthens. The process when less experienced employees mentor their more experienced colleagues develops especially in large companies.

The reverse way of mentoring may cause initial problems with communication and unsufficient understanding of the relationship. Clomedia.com therefore come with three recommendations on how to overcome these obstacles and use reverse mentoring to really improve cooperation.

Focus on educational goals

Reverse mentoring participants relationship should be based on learning, not on their personal power. mentees should express what they want to learn and mentors discuss the extent to which they can contribute to their goals with them. Both parties must agree on the basic objectives and the puspose of their cooperation.

Give mentor the leader's role

Both parties should have the possibility to select the topics to handle together. The mentor should, however, have the option to be more directive. Especially when the mentee is an employee of a higher function, this option should be made explicit for the mentor to be able to speak more openly. The mentee must then take responsibility for his own progress and commit to actively participate in the mentoring.

Ensure the confidentiality of the relationship

Your relationship must be based on trust and this can work only if you respect the confidentiality of the information you share. If you do not respect one another, do not start the mentoring at all.


Article source Chief Learning Officer - a U.S. magazine and website focused on L&D
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