How to start with internal recruitment


Internal recruitment saves time and money companies would otherwise invest in external selection procedures. It also shows greater success of the internally selected candidates with prior experience from the company. How to start with internal recruitment? You must first have a plan.

HR departments must clearly define the purpose of internal recruitment and who will be involved in the new process (HR, IT, senior management). It is also necessary to specify who will be able to apply for vacancies and provide full information about the vacancies. This should be followed by defining the ways to apply for vacancies and how to communicate with direct superiors. You should not miss the strategy for HR and managers to inform about available positions either.

Other necessary steps recommended by include:

Select appropriate software

First, consider how should your list of candidates for internal positions look like. You will need a system that can not only display the information about your candidates but also evaluate them, add comments to them and so on. Only then contact possible external suppliers.

Promote internal recruitment

Build awareness of internal recruitment, educate employees and managers. Send them to the web with your job offers, send e-mails with offers, advertise on internal social networks. Invite employees to apply for vacancies through their managers.

Carefully examine employees

Collect references from their superiors and check existing records. Do not be influenced by any personal relationships with candidates.

Involve video

Actions, as is well known, speak more than words. Try, therefore, to establish video interviews for internal candidates. You can then see how original and loyal to your company's brand they are.

Provide feedback

Always tell candidates why they were not chosen. Show them what direction they should take for their further development and send them e-mails notifying of similar new vacancies. Give them a platform to comment on the internal recruitment process and evaluate its strengths and weaknesses, too.


Article source - a U.S. career and employment website
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