Google helps to create online courses


Google has launched a beta version of its free software for creating online courses. The Course Builder software is based on the globally popular Power Searching With Google online course by Peter Norvig, Director of Research at Google. It uses the technology of this course and it is designed to create online courses for unlimited number of participants.

Creating online courses in the Course Builder requires at least a basic knowledge of web technologies. To embark on creating your own course, you should have experience with creating educational materials for both traditional and online courses, a basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript programming languages and ideally also of the Google App Engine cloud service.

The main parts of your online course will consist of learning materials, activities for students and student assessments. Using other Google products, you can also create communities of the participants of your courses and evaluate the effectiveness of the courses.

The whole process how to get started is described on this page:


Article source Edudemic - server dedicated to the possibilities of using modern technologies in education
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