Three connected vessels of employee engagement


The concept of employee engagement includes three main areas of engagement.

1. Engagement in work

Engaged employees are fully involved in their work, have passion for their work and act so as to expand the interests of their organizations via their productivity. Employees who are satisfied with their work and who understand how they fit into the activities of the organization will put more efforts in their work and stay longer with you.

2. Engagement in relation to other employees

Employees who enjoy their work and feel that you treat them as valuable contributors to your joint success naturally work as a team. You can strengthen this feeling mainly by open communication and sharing of responsibilities between managers and their subordinates.

3. Engagement in relation to customers

Customers pay your bills and the engagement of your employees is, therefore, very closely related to them. Every organization should strive for satisfied customers.

So if you are thinking seriously about employee engagement in your organization, look for answers to the following questions:

  • What to do when someone likes his job but he wants to leave because of his superior's managerial style?

  • What if your employees enjoy their work but you do not get along well with their colleagues?

  • What if they have excellent relationships with their superiors but they do not like their work very much?

  • Can your people be happy in all the above stated areas of engagement?


Article source TLNT - a U.S. blog for human resource and talent management leaders
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