Ten steps to get the best talents


Recruiting the best people for your company is indeed an art but, to a large extent, a science as well. Your recruiters should, therefore, keep the following ten steps to always get the best applicants. These steps were originally published on  The Recruiters Lounge website.

1. Change the descriptions of offered jobs

Traditional job descriptions summarize the required skills, education and experience. However, if your job offers are to be more marketing messages, focus primarily on what the employee will do, what he will learn and who he can become.

2. Agree on the requirements on particular positions

All members of the recruitment team should look for one and the same person. Primarily, it is essential to agree with managers in whose teams the new people will work. Lead them to convert the required skills to real work goals.

3. Offer a career, not just money

Make it clear that you are looking for employees who do not work for you just for the money. Emphasize interesting challenges and career development opportunities in the offered jobs.

4. Improve in internet marketing

When you write an interesting ad, you must also make it easy for possible candidates to find. It will require an excellent knowledge of the rules of internet marketing with a special focus on the search engines. You should also underpin professional groups of people the best talents will contact at first.

5. Do not force candiddates to respond to specific job offers immediately

The best candidates first monitor the market and compare their options. Keep in mind that they may not be ready to apply for a specific position at the moment. To capture these talents, allow them to talk with you first. For example, your site with vacancies should offer the possibility of communication with your recruiters regardless of whether a candidate first applies for a particular position or not.

6. Use consultative sales techniques

Building relationships with job seekers requires recruiters to become salespeople. They should attend specialized trainings, learn how to really understand the particular market and build their position as true partners of managers.

7. Use interviews to identify the needs of candidates

Generally, it is considered that the purpose of job interviews is to assess the abilities of candidates. What if you, however, focus primary on the needs of the person you want to hire and find out whether your can offer him a fulfilling job with regard to his previous experience?

8. Use multi-factor assessments based on facts

Do not decide on the final selection of employees only by voting yes/no. Assess based on predetermined actual needs for the job you will narrow to a few key factors. The aim is to assess the abilities and motivation of the candidates. Summarize the facts and specific information, do not rely solely on intuition.

9. Help candidates compare more offers

Just as it is important for companies to assess candidates using multiple factors, candidates evaluate jobs using multiple factors, too. You can help them eg. by giving them a form with pre-selected factors for evaluation so that they can compare their current job with your offer and possible competing offers.

10. Connect recruitment with the performance evaluation system

Choose candidates based on real work needs which also serve your company as the criteria for performance assessment. It is nothing else than transforming the recruitment process into a measurable business process.



Article source The Recruiters Lounge - a US blog focused on employment
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