If you want to use the five minutes you have between meetings productively, rather process one e-mail than a phone call to check a reference. The aim your phone call should be to find out as many details as possible for which you will need more than five minutes. Before the phone call, remind yourself that you should look at the candidates neutrally or with a slight degree of skepticism.
4. Make the respondents to be sincere
Some respondents will not be willing to talk to you too much. Your task is to convince them to be more sincere. A proven technique is to use a phrase like: "I wonder that if I hire this candidate, I will not have to call you again in half a year and ask why you did not warn me about who I were going to hire."
5. Prepare pen and paper
Do not rely only on your memory. During the individual calls, try to write the most of the collected information so that you could easily compare the information from different people.
6. Prepare specific questions in advance
Do not ask for too general things like: "What can you say about Mr. Smith?" Ask for specific examples of problems that might arise in cooperation with the candidate being checked, for example: "Can you give an example of how Mr. Smith responds to criticism?"
7. Respond to the discovered information
For each piece of a newly discovered information, be ready to ask the questions "Why?" and "Can you give a specific example?"
Article source ERE.net - Recruiting Intelligence. Recruiting Community.