How strong are your soft skills?


Anyone striving for careerĀ progress knows that soft skills are as important as hard skills. The fact that the so-called soft skills, such as communication skills, creativity, empathy, teamwork, etc., are harder to measure does not change anything on it. To be sure that your soft skills are at a high level, test out if you do not commit the following beginners' mistakes.

You let yourself be controlled by your emotions

If you become angry too easily, it is necessary to work on how to keep a cool head. Outbursts do not help either you or your surroundings.

You do not belive in yourself

By a lack of self-esteem, you show a bad example to your surroundings. So focus on what is causing your low self-esteem and how to remove this obstacle.

You give up easily

Only employees who have proven themselves in difficult times will get at higher positions. You have to prove that you know how to help others in crisis situations and boost their motivation, not to withdraw and throw in the towel.

You ignore office politics

In every office, there will be various saboteurs and it is up to you whether you let them dominate, or set them clear boundaries.

You are not a coach or mentor

Your ability to help others through feedback and showing the right direction will help not only them, but you as well.

You cannot sell yourself

Do the people around you know how great you are? If you are not sure, start to develop your networking skills.


Article source - technology leader in providing employee compensation data
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