Stop eating at your desk


Admit how often do you eat at your desk and, moreover, handle even other things at the same time. You certainly know that you should not eat like this but maybe you lack specific reasons. If you, therefore, want to know real reasons why not to eat at your desk, read the following summary of the reasons published on

Your desk is full of bacteria

As far as the occurence of bacteria, the average desk is 100 times more dangerous than a kitchen counter and 400 times more dangerous than public toilets. The reason is simple - desks are not cleaned very day unlike it is in the case of the places reserved to eat in companies.

Eating at your desk will not save your time

If you eat at your desk because you want to be more efficient, you are doing it unnecessarily. Stacks of scientific studies have shown how short breaks are important four concentration and work performance. Lunch outside your desk will clear your head.

You will lose control over the amount of food

When you eat while surfing the internet, answering emails, preparing presentations, etc., you are losing the idea of what you eat. You will simply continue eating without being hungry.

You are losing the opportunity to develop relationships with others

Even introverts know very well that building relationships with others in the company is important for career development. Lunch is an ideal opportunity to spend regular time with others.

Long sitting is bad for you

If you have a sedentary job, take advantage of all opportunities to take a walk and stretch during the working day. The way to lunch is an opportunity like this.


Article source Workopolis - a leading Canadian job portal
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