Ten commandments of considerate behaviour in open plans


Working in an open plan office has its pros and cons. While some people emphasize greater efficiency of teamwork, others talk about loss of privacy. One of the problems is e.g. the fact that, after some time, most people begin to treat their colleagues with less respect than at the beginning. That leads to bigger or smaller conflicts and a loss of productivity of all the employees in the office. Let us, therefore, repeat the basic rules of behaviour in open plan offices with the help of Workopolis.com.

  1. Do not solve your personal affairs in front of others and do not mention confidential information.

  2. Do not enter your colleagues' cubicles without asking if you can interrupt.

  3. Do not shout at your colleagues over the others' cubicles. Use phone, e-mail or your feet.

  4. Do not use a speakerphone and turn off the sound on your computer.

  5. Make it clear to others when you do not want to be disturbed. Just a few simple signs will help you.

  6. Learn to clean your workspace. Realize that everyone can see the mess on your desk.

  7. If you need absolute silence, invest in quality headphones.

  8. If you want to trun on a radio, make sure that it will not annoy anybody.

  9. Sit with your back to the entrance to the room. If this is not possible, set your cubicle walls so that you are not disturbed by the entering people.

  10. Do not eat at your desk, especially when you love aromatic food.


Article source Workopolis - a leading Canadian job portal
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