Study: Global companies still struggle to manage talents


Global companies are not investing enough resources in talent management and only half of them have managed to arrange a strong supply of talents for leadership positions. That is according to the study by Ernst and Young titled Paradigm shift: building a new talent management model to boost growth the results od which were published on the British portal HR Magazine.

The study included 600 senior managers from leading global companies. It turned out that only less than 45% of the companies considered themselves to be efficient in terms of investments in talent management in order to achieve their financial goals.

According to the study's conclusions, global companies should base their talent management efforts on the following five findings to to keep pace with the development of today's complex economic situation:

  1. Employees of global companies are becoming more global but global talent management remains behind.

  2. Companies continue to lag in strategic investments in talent management.

  3. They also continue to lag in measuring the effectiveness of talent management.

  4. The skills needed for future leaders are still changing.

  5. Companies lack strong succession plans that could identify a new generation of leaders.

Other findings from the study, including recommendations on how to better manage talents globally can be found on the Ernst and Young website here.


Article source HR Magazine - a leading British magazine and website focused on HR
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