How to motivate employees to recommend new employees


Recruiters already know that if they want to get quality employees, it is not enough to only publish job vacancies on the Internet. A personal reference, preferably from someone you know well, is more effective than the anonymous Internet. So, why no to motivate your existing employees to recommend you prospective employees? advises to motivate employees to provide referrals in the following ways:

Provide sufficient financial reward

Cash has a greater effect than non-financial gifts and awards, at least according to a CareerBuilder's research from 2010. However, it is important to choose an amount that will really motivate the employees. Base it on the field you are operating in and on how high position you are filling.

Provide simple rules and give thanks

Whatever rules you select for your referral program, your employees should immediately understand why they should engage and what it will bring them. The fact that you will give financial rewards does not mean that you no longer have to thank for the referrals. Conversely, secure public recognition of the employees who will give the most referrals. The form is up to you - from a praising e-mail from your company's management to a lunch with the CEO.

Involve game elements

Try to take employee referrals as a team competition. Department that gives you the most references can, for example, win a special prize. And it can be reflected in the performance management process of individual employees, which will provide additional motivation for providing referrals.

Inform about the progress of negotiations with the recommended candidates

An employee recommending someone to you wants to know how the recommendation will turn out. Work therefore on a system of providing regular information. Educate employees on how they can expand their networks of contacts and give you more advice, too.


Article source - a U.S. career and employment website
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