Internal communication: Why a social network?


Social networks are increasingly helping HR professionals in recruiting or in talent management. They can, however, be used equally well for internal purposes - for the development of corporate culture and internal communication. According to the Social Media Today website, internal social networks are a particularly effective solution for the following areas:

1. Communication between different departments and levels of the organization

Internal social network enables contact between employees who would normally not work together. All employees regardless of their position in the organization can be involved in the communication, which expands the horizons of both the highest and lowest levels.

2. Continuous brainstorming

Internal social network gives employees the opportunity to brainstorm without having to plan when and where it will be held in advance. They can choose independetly whether creative ideas come to them in the morning or evening.

3. Opportunity for the shy

Some people are just shy to speak up in front of their superiors or people they do not know too nuch. A social network can make it safer for them. Besides publishing their own ideas, they can also comment on each other's proposals here, which would not happen at a traditional meeting.

4. Crowdsourcing

Only a limited group of employees may attend traditional meetings and brainstormings. Thanks to a social network, however, everyone can be involved and the company will thus get more interesting ideas and suggestions at a relatively low cost. Just announce that you want to solve a problem.

Read practical tips on how to win your top management for the idea of an internal social network in this article: How to convince top management that a company social network is a good idea


Article source Social Media Today - a U.S. website focused on social media
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