4 pillars of a social intranet


Nowadays, when employees travel around the world and routinely work remotely, social intranets begin to develop in order to build employee communities and share employee knowledge more easily. These intranets based on the principle of social networks may be more effective than the traditional, centralized and too complex intranets the content of wich is becoming obsolete very quickly if they stand on the following four pillars:

1. Open contribution model

Every employee regardless of his/her position in the company should have the opportunity to contribute to the social intranet.

2. Environment opened to comments

Every employee should know that his/her opinions are important to the company and the company should, therefore, directly lead its people to share comments on the intranet.

3. Possibility to evaluate the quality of the content

Employees should be able to express what is important to them and what they have on their minds. They should, therefore, be able to value the quality of the content, share it, tag it as inappropriate etc.

4. Information on employees

The essence of a social intranet is not in the information about the company but in the profiles of individual employees. People will use them in order to learn about their colleagues.

You can read more information about the benefits and methods of operation of the social intranet in the report by MWD Advisors highlighted by the hrcommunication.com website here: http://www.ragan.com/Uploads/Imports/Media/pdfs/Report - MWD Advisors - The Social Intranet.pdf


Article source HR Communication - American website focused on HR and internal communication
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