Office workers don't have to just sit


Office workers can do a lot for their health when they get up from the chairs. They can write e-mails, make calls or put data into computers in a standing position, too. An employee who extend his workday by three hours of standing can burn up to 144 calories a day. For the year, he can therefore burn up to 3.6 kg of fat and also significantly improve his blood circulation. That is at least what John Buckley, British expert on nutrition from the University of Chester, claims in an an article on the BBC website.

John Buckley stresses that the human body is not accommodated to sit for a long time and that today you can buy desks for employees to stand when working. He mentions the writers Ernest Hemingway and Vladimir Nabokov as illustrative examples of people who worked standing. He himself works standing as well.

John Buckley is a member of a British government advisory group for the question of combating obesity. According to him, standing at work can help us as a relatively simple but long-term solution due to the fact that otherwise we sit in the car or on the couch at home. Recent studies have confirmed a link between prolonged sitting and an increased risk of diabetes or that a sedentary lifestyle leads to a similar number of deaths as smoking.


Article source BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation
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