How to set leadership coaching for managers


Cooperation with a coach focused on the development of leadership is an increasingly popular method of developing managers who are preparing to enter key positions. Although coaching is known as one of the most effective methods of personal and professional development, it is not a panacea that works automatically. How, then, to make sure that the leadership coaching of your employees work? Business server recommends:

Search for coaches outside your industry

When you are not explicitly managing a professionally oriented coaching (how to become a better lawyer, chemical engineer, etc.), look for the coaches for your managers outside your industry. You will avoid the danger of too much of the same thinking and the same errors. Develop leadership without being limited by the standards typical for your industry.

Plan coaching for 6-12 months

You cannot expect real change in behavior in less time. Arrange a schedule in advance and pay special attention to the first two or three months when the initial excitement begins to decrease and the results of cooperation with the coach are not apparent yet.

Emphasize honesty

Lead the managers to be coached to write down the specific reasons for why they want to work with a coach focused on leadership and what they expect from this cooperation. These reasons should then be submitted to the coach so that he does not have to find out what is expected of him himself. The more specific reasons the better. Honesty is a matter of course becuase you will get nowhere without it.

Prepare managers to their own responsibility for coaching

Anyone who is going to work with a coach should know that 90 percent of the work will not be on the coach but on the coachee. While the manager will work on changing his behavior, the coach will check while he meets his goals responsibly.

Measure the coaching success based on behavioral change

You can count the number of coaching days or the volume of work invested by the coachees, but it does not say anything about the success of coaching. There is no other option than to monitor the change of behavior. The goals set by the coachees before the coaching has started will help you.


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