SHRM: Challenges for HR and talent management in the next 10 years


What challenges will HR managers face in the next ten years? This question was asked in the survey by Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) called Future Challenges HR and Talent Management Tactics which was held for the first time at the end of 2010 and then again at the end of 2012. 487 (2012) and 449 (2010)  respondents from among the nearly 250,000 worldwide members of SHRM participated.

The greatest challenge marked by the respondents was how to retain and reward the best employees (59%) and how to develop a new generation of leaders (52%). 36% of HR managers considered creating corporate culture that can attract the best employees as the biggest challenge, for 34% it was to remain competitive in the talent market and for 33% to search for employees with narrowly specialized skills. In comparison with 2010, less of them were interested in finding employees in global markets or removing cultural barriers to create truly global companies.

The second question in the survey was: "What do you think will be the biggest investment challenge for organizations in the next ten years?". It turned out that it is primarily human capital (43%), financial capital (22%), technological capital (19%) and intellectual capital (14%).

Finally, the third question asked what tactics will be most effective for acquiring, retaining and rewarding the best employees in the next ten years. Result:

  1. Providing flexible work options (40%),

  2. organizational culture in which leaders will promote trust, open communication and fairness (37%),

  3. providing better total rewards packages in comparison to competitors (26%),

  4. providing opportunities for career growth (26%),

  5. commitment to employee development (24%).

In 2010, it was:

  1. Providing flexible work options (58%),

  2. organizational culture in which leaders will promote trust, open communication and fairness (47%),

  3. designing work functions to offer employees meaningful work with a clear sense of purpose in the fulfilment of organizational objectives (40%),

  4. commitment to employee development (29%),

  5. providing better total rewards packages in comparison to competitors (23%).

You can download the survey results in clear charts from the SHRM website here.


Article source Society for Human Resource Management - world’s largest HR professional society
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